The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with the Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE), is requiring water utilities to create a Service Line Inventory (SLI) that identifies the material composition of the water service line that delivers water to individual properties. This is being completed in accordance to the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rules Revision (LCRR). Pueblo Water, along with all other water utilities across the nation, are required to post their initial SLI before October 16, 2024. Since Pueblo Water serves a population more than 50,000 people, the EPA and CDPHE require that the results be published on Pueblo Water’s website.
View an interactive map to search the Service Line Inventory
MAP NAVIGATION: Enter your property’s address in the search box or zoom in on the map. Click the symbol within the property boundary to view the service line information.
COPYRIGHT and DISCLAIMER: This map service, and the geographic information systems (GIS) maps, data and metadata contained herein were prepared by Pueblo Water for the sole purpose of providing Pueblo Water customers with Pueblo Water’s best available data regarding their billing dates, and not for any commercial, legal or other use. Pueblo Water does not guarantee the accuracy of these records and maps, which will be updated constantly without notice as Pueblo Water gathers additional information. Pueblo Water provides this map service, including the underlying GIS maps, data and metadata as a public service with no claim as to the completeness, usefulness, timeliness or accuracy of its content, positional or otherwise. Pueblo Water and its employees provides the information presented “as is,” without warranty of any kind, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the ability of users to fulfill their intended purposes in accessing or using this map service. Any sale, reproduction or distribution of this information, or products derived therefrom, in any format is expressly prohibited. Pueblo Water reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate at any time the display of this map service without notice.
Pueblo Water customers may self-report the make-up of their service lines by using our self-reporting tool HERE.
Lead Lines | Non-Lead Lines | GRR'S* | Unknown |
Lead Lines | Non-Lead Lines | GRR’s* | Unknown |
67 | 20,028 | 109 | 21,048 |
Lead Service lines and GRR’s replaced to Date | 126 |
Dispatch: 719-584-0210
Engineering: 719-584-0270
Water Quality and Laboratory: 719-584-0267
The EPA has developed literature detailing the effects of lead in drinking water. While lead in drinking water can cause health effects in all ages, it is particularly important to reduce the exposure of lead in infants, children, pregnant women, and those with increased health risks. Click on the link below from the EPA for more information.
Yes. Pueblo Water’s Rules and Regulations state that the “All water service lines, private mains, valves, and appurtenant fixtures, with the exception of the water meter set, are owned and must be maintained by the property owner and all costs for installation, maintenance, and/or replacement of these are the responsibility of the property owner.”
While Pueblo Water owns and maintains the distribution and transmission mains in the public rights-of-way that deliver water to neighborhoods throughout Pueblo, service lines and private mains have been installed for the benefit of the particular property served by the service line or private main. Therefore, the private lines are the responsibility of the property owner. The service lines are categorized into two sections, the street side service line and the house side service line. The street side service line is generally that section of the service line from the connection at the public water main to the meter that generally sits at the right of way line. The house side of the service line is that portion from the meter to the entrance into the house or structure.
The EPA and CDPHE believe that public utilities have the most information available to populate the SLI for the entire community served. Utilities generally have more access to historical records and possibly service line information that isn’t necessarily passed down from homeowner to homeowner. While Pueblo Water has made its best effort to compile the most accurate information possible, it is impossible to accurately document service line material for our entire customer base. If you believe there is an error in the SLI for your property, please contact Pueblo Water to update the records. Also, see FAQ #8 below.
Lead – A portion or all of the service line is made of lead.
Non-Lead – The service line is known to be a material other than lead. The service line may be composed of copper, galvanized steel, or plastic (PVC, PEX, ABS, CPVC, HDPE)
GRR – A GRR (Galvanized Requiring Replacement) is a galvanized steel service line that is currently in service downstream of a lead service line OR downstream of a service line that was at one time lead.
Unknown – Because Pueblo Water does not own or operate service lines, we do not always have the data (or correct data), for every one of the approximately 41,000 metered accounts in our system. While Pueblo Water does have information on some service lines dating back to the late 1800’s (almost exclusively of the street side portion of the service line), Pueblo Water did not necessarily get notified every time a property owner contracted with a contractor to replace their service line. Additionally, there is very little information available regarding the house side service line since that portion is inspected by the regional building authority.
To capture the best information possible, Pueblo Water has divided your service line into two components, the house side and the street side (see FAQ #2 above). The left side of the symbol will always indicate the recorded material classification for the street side portion of your service line. The right side of the symbol will always indicate the recorded material classification for the house side portion of your service line. A legend is available on the interactive map to provide information on how to read the map symbology.
Pueblo Water researched all available records to compile the information provided in the SLI. This includes researching paper and electronic copies of meter cards, project files, maps, work orders, historic plumbing codes, regional building codes, and internal documents and memos regarding service lines.
The information contained on the SLI is the most accurate information available to Pueblo Water. Although Pueblo Water is required to publish the SLI to meet state and federal requirements, Pueblo Water cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Pueblo Water will continue to update the information on the SLI as service lines are replaced or more accurate information is discovered or provided by individual property owners
Customers are welcome to contact Pueblo Water to provide updated information regarding the material of their service line. Pueblo Water will need to determine the validity of the information prior to making such changes. Valid information, such as documentation of service line material or documentation of the replacement of service lines in the past, will be considered. Please contact Pueblo Water’s Engineering team to discuss updates to your service line material classification.
If the service line to your property is marked as unknown (street side and/or house side), you will get a letter from Pueblo Water within 30 days of the date of the publishing of the service line map informing you that your service line is of an unknown material. Pueblo Water will develop plans to eliminate all unknown service lines designations. You will continue to receive this letter on an annual basis until your service line is of a “known” material.
Ongoing efforts to identify unknown service lines will include “pot holing”, researching additional data, input from customers regarding material composition, and recording data when service lines are exposed during the normal course of construction projects.
Pueblo Water strongly encourages renters contact their landlord/property manager and have them call Pueblo Water’s Dispatch Department with any questions or concerns regarding the SLI.
The best way to reduce your exposure to lead in drinking water is to eliminate all lead plumbing and fixtures that comes into contact with your drinking water. Other options to reduce your exposure to lead is using a point of use water filter or flushing water through your faucet before use. For additional information regarding filters and flushing, please visit the links below:
Pueblo Water has determined that the replacement of lead and GRR service lines will be performed by Pueblo Water crews or third party contractors through Pueblo Water’s existing Service Line Repair/Replacement Program (SLRRP). Funds generated from the SLRRP will be used to pay for the replacements as needed. This extension of the SLRRP to replace lead and/or GRR service lines on the house side does not change Pueblo Water’s obligations to repair/replace service lines in the future. This extension of the SLRRP is only to facilitate the expedited process of removing lead sources on the service line.
Important Note for property owners that have an “unknown” house side service line: In order for property owners to take advantage of the SLRRP on the “house side” portion of the service line, property owners will need provide relevant information regarding the composition of your service line as it enters the structure to determine if it is a lead or a GRR service line. Failure to provide the required information to Pueblo Water by December 31, 2025 may disqualify you from having your lead or GRR service line replaced at no cost by Pueblo Water in the future. See FAQ #14 for information on how to determine the house side material classification.
No. The water that leaves Pueblo Water’s Whitlock Water Treatment Plant is tested at the system’s “entry point” and contains no detectable levels of lead (less than one part per billion). Lead that is detected in the water within a property is usually the result of water that picks up lead particles as it passes through service lines and appurtenances that contain lead material. This includes lead service lines, GRR’s (Galvanized service line Requiring Replacement), internal plumbing, fixtures (faucets, spigots, tub spouts, shower heads), and plumbing connection made out of older brass (new regulations require no-lead brass in any plumbing connections). Click on the link below from the EPA for an illustration of potential sources of lead.
Pueblo Water offers a self-reporting tool HERE that can be used to update the house side information for your service line. Follow the instructions on the link to provide the required data to Pueblo Water. If you are unsure of how to get the correct information, you can contact Pueblo Water’s Dispatch Department to schedule an in-house visit from a Pueblo water employee.
If the service line penetration into the house/structure cannot be determined without destructive methods (removing a portion of framed wall that covers the concrete wall in a basement for instance), Pueblo Water will determine appropriate steps to determine service line composition outside of the structure. In this case, Pueblo Water will still utilize the SLRRP to pay for the replacement of the lead and/or GRR service line in the future once it is determined that it is necessary. Property owners must use the self-reporting tool and provide accurate information or schedule an in-home inspection prior to December 31, 2025, to be considered under the SLRRP.