Pueblo Water prepared its Water Efficiency Plan in accordance with the Colorado Water Conservation Act of 2004 to meet or exceed all statutory requirements under Colorado Revised Statute 37-60-126. The Colorado Water Conservation Board’s Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Documents were utilized to guide the development of this plan. To fulfill the statutory water conservation planning requirements under Colorado law, a series of water conservation program scenarios were developed that were cost effective and practical.
For Pueblo Water, the following water efficiency measures have been identified as providing a reasonable cost savings for the utility or its customers by reducing water demand:
• Continued metering
• Continued water loss control with the addition of annual AWWA Water Loss Audits
• Continued public information and education
• Rules and regulations including the addition of a new water waste regulation
• WeatherTrak controllers for unbilled, metered city parks
• Establishing regular meetings with Planning Department and aiding in water efficiency considerations for land use codes
Pueblo Water has established a goal of 9,585 AF savings over the entire planning period compared with a continuation of current demand, of which 2,540 AF of savings will come from active savings. Based on careful analysis of current demands and expected growth, Pueblo Water believes this level to be achievable and reasonable. This goal will be re-evaluated on a regular basis with the review and update to the Water Efficiency Plan occurring every year and five years, respectively.