MAIN: 719-584-0250 | EMERGENCY: 719-543-2217


Our Business is Water

Rates & Fees PDF


Purchasing is dedicated in providing the best possible value, quality and price for goods and services while combining integrity, trust and ethical practices to promote fair and open competition in support of Pueblo Water’s mission.   

New bid procedures

All public bid openings will be conducted via conference call.  

To participate: 

  1. Dial: 1-650-479-3208
  2. Enter the access number:  Refer to the specification for the code.
  3. You will be connected to listen in on the bid opening


How to do business with Pueblo Water

Pueblo Water requires a formal competitive procurement process for all purchases above $1,000 with the exception of professional, technical or other situations not lending themselves to competitive bidding.  A wide variety of term contracts are established for frequently used goods and services.

Pueblo Water posts all current bid and proposal opportunities using an online bid system, Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (RMEPS). Vendors are encouraged to register on RMEPS at for accurate information on active solicitations.

Purchasing Limits - Pueblo Water operates a partially decentralized purchasing system.  Purchasing thresholds are:

Dollar Threshold Procurement Process Approval Level
Purchases Below $1,000 Informal bids not required Department level approval
$1,000-$25,000 Informal bids not required Approval by Executive Director
$1,000 & Over Formal bid process $25,001 requires approval by Elected Board

Exceptions to the formal bidding requirement:

  • Technical or professional services
  • Situations not lending themselves to competitive bidding - Examples include purchases made by a sole source, purchases made under agreements or contracts competitively bid by other governmental agencies, technical/professional services and emergency purchases.

Cooperative Purchasing - Pueblo Water reserve the right to participate in a cooperative bid in lieu of initiating its own bid solicitation. Purchasing agreements or contracts are allowed that have been competitively bid by other governmental agencies, organizations or political subdivisions such as Pueblo Water. Examples include, but are not limited to State of Colorado Contracts, Federal GSA contracts, the National Association of State Procurement Official (NASPO), U.S. Communities, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (NIPA), and any other city, county, or state governments.

Tax Exempt - Pueblo Water is exempt from all applicable federal and state taxes. Pueblo Water’s Certificate of Exemption.

Vendor Information Form – Complete the Vendor Information Form only if requested to do so by Pueblo Water staff. Return the form by e-mail or fax as instructed by the requestor.

Please note that any Vendor Information Forms received without a request by Pueblo Water staff will be discarded.

Tips for Doing Business with Pueblo Water

  • All formal solicitations are advertised: Pueblo Chieftain Newspaper – Classified/Public NoticeRocky Mtn E-Purchasing System
  • Read the bid documents carefully and respond to all the requirements in the solicitation and sign as required.
  • Provide your best price.
  • Check your math.
  • Attend Pre-bid/Pre-Proposal conferences to ask questions, see potential competition and teaming opportunities.
  • Ensure all addendums have been acknowledged.
  • Educate yourself on bonds, insurance and other related areas.
  • Submit bid/proposal in a sealed envelope/container and label with bid/proposal name/title.
  • Submit responses prior to the deadlines.  It is our policy to reject late responses.
  • Awards based on the lowest price from a responsive and responsible vendor. 
  • Meet delivery dates.  Failure to meet specified delivery dates may reflect a performance concern and could jeopardize future award opportunities.


Final Settlements

No settlement notices at this time.
