To better serve you, our valued customer, and to help pave the way for future growth in the city, Pueblo Water updated its billing procedures. With this update, your monthly bill due date may have changed.
Changes in Pueblo Water’s billing cycles began on Oct. 1, 2023. To find your due date, please click on this LINK or use our INTERACTIVE MAP to find your billing cycle. For questions or concerns, please email our Customer Service Department at:
This update is a good time to take advantage of our free and convenient bill paying options where you can manage your due date by enrolling in Auto Pay on a specified due date of your choice! By enrolling in Auto Pay and Budget Billing, you can select the due date of your choice and have predictable bills by averaging the amount you pay each month.
Please call our Customer Service Department at 719-584-0250 if you have questions regarding our bill pay options or the new billing procedures.