MAIN: 719-584-0250 | EMERGENCY: 719-543-2217



The Latest From Pueblo Water

City of Pueblo's sewer base charge period is underway

The Sewer Use Charge will be based on the water consumed during the non-irrigating months using your January and February monthly billing cycles. A monthly billing cycle begins when a water meter is read in the prior month and ends when the water meter is read in the subsequent month of billing. The charge for the balance of 2025 (March through December) will be based upon the average of these two months. To determine when your meter is normally read, please refer to the “Read Date” section of your bill.

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Pueblo Water discontinuing yellow delinquent notices

To be more efficient with its billing practices, Pueblo Water is changing its disconnect letter to white paper from yellow paper. PUEBLO WATER IS NO LONGER SENDING YELLOW NOTICES. Please read your bills carefully. If you receive an envelope from Pueblo Water with a red stamped “URGENT OPEN IMMEDIATELY” this means you need to act on your account to avoid service interruption.

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Pueblo Water's work St. Clair has concluded

Pueblo Water is replacing aging 12-inch cast iron main in advance of future repaving of the street by the City of Pueblo. The project replaces approximately 4,200 feet of pipe from Avocado Street west of Pueblo Boulevard east to Westacres Avenue. Construction is expected between August and November.

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Every Pueblo Water employee wears a photo ID when on the job. If you are contacted by a service person claiming to be from Pueblo Water, please make sure they are properly identified before allowing access to your property. Pueblo Water will not contact you over the phone to verify personal information. If you have any doubt about a worker’s identity, please call our Service Department at 719-543-2217 to verify it’s a legitimate service call. We’re here for you!

Lead Reduction Program

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with the Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE), is requiring water utilities to create a Service Line Inventory (SLI) that identifies the material composition of the water service line that delivers water to individual properties. This is being completed in accordance to the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rules Revision (LCRR). Pueblo Water, along with all other water utilities across the nation, are required to post their initial SLI before October 16, 2024. Since Pueblo Water serves a population more than 50,000 people, the EPA and CDPHE require that the results be published on Pueblo Water’s website.

Current Projects

Pueblo Water completes 2024 Citywide Main Replacement Project

Pueblo Water is replacing aging 12-inch cast iron main in advance of future repaving of the street by the City of Pueblo. The project replaces approximately 4,200 feet of pipe from Avocado Street west of Pueblo Boulevard east to Westacres Avenue. Construction is expected between August and November.
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